For more information see:

  •  Convenience. Order scrip at your convenience from anywhere with internet.
  •  Full Selection. Huge selection of retailers, restaurants and gas cards.
  •  Immediate Delivery. For many brands you may order and print ScripNow® eCards right from your ShopWithScrip online account, and Reload funds onto gift cards you already own.
  • You can pay for your order instantly by electronic debit using the secure ACH process called PrestoPay™ or by check payable in the school office.
  •  In-Depth Information. Your account automatically tracks your purchase and rebate history. Create your free account in just a few easy steps. Click “more” at the left for St. Jude’s enrollment code and you’ll be ready to start the simple registration process.

Instructions for Presto-Pay Scrip Program

  1. Go to
  2. Click onto “My Account” in the upper right corner and follow the prompts to register your personal information.
  3. You will be asked for a registration code. Please contact the school office for the code.  Thank you.
  4. Once you are registered, click on “PrestoPay” on the left side menu and follow the prompts to register your bank account information. As previously mentioned in our letter, you cannot pay online with a credit card – the margin for the vendor is too small because credit card companies charge a fee for use.

5.Once you’ve input your bank account information, you will receive a message stating that 2 amounts will be deposited into the bank account that you just registered. Once you see those in your account, go back to and click on the PrestoPay link to verify receipt of those amounts. Once you do that, they will email to you a verification code. Please forward that email to The Scrip Coordinator will then go into our school account as the coordinator and verify your registration. Once that is done, you can then start ordering Scrip.

  1. Please review and familiarize yourself with the materials at for information about the percentage contribution that each participating vendor will give the school and look for instructions for certain vendors that will “reload” your existing Scrip cards. You will also be able to track your contributions to the school via this website that will create a report for you.
  2. Please direct questions about registration or other information on the web site to the Great Lakes customer service contact information found online. Please direct any questions about St. Jude scrip specific issues to Mrs. Schulte at


Payments by Check:

  1. After you create your account on, you may then start placing orders online. When you check out, you will be given an option to pay with PrestoPay or with a check (the PrestoPay option may not pop up if you haven’t activated a PrestoPay account). Check the box to pay by check, and complete the order online.
  2. In order for us to have your order shipped to the school, your check for payment must be received by the end of the day on Tuesday. If your check has been received, your order will become part of the weeks’ shipment for Scrip and you Scrip will be available for pick up on the Wednesday of the following week (8 days later). Your order will not be included in the weekly shipment if your check has not been received.
  3. This system will allow you and the school to continue to track your Scrip commitment contribution via your online account with On the left side menu there is an option for “Reports” that will allow you to do this. We will ask for your report at the end of the school year so that we may tally up your total Scrip contribution from all sources.

Payments by Credit Card:

  1. St. Jude School incurs a service fee from all credit card companies for every transaction. Accordingly, St. Jude School will charge you a 3% service charge with each credit card payment. Thus, this is the least preferred method of payment because it costs you more.
    However, because some folks have requested this option, it will now be available.
  2. After you create your account on, you may then start placing orders online. When you check out, you will be given an option to pay with PrestoPay or with a check (the PrestoPay option may not pop up if you haven’t activated a PrestoPay account). Check the box to pay by check, and complete the order online. You will check the box to pay by check even though you will be paying with a credit card.
  3. In order for us to have your order shipped to the school, your credit card payment must be made in the school office by the end of the day on Tuesday. If you have made the payment with Charlotte, your order will become part of the weeks’ shipment for Scrip and you Scrip will be available for pick up on the Wednesday of the following week (8 days later). Your order will not be included in the weekly shipment if your payment has not been made
  4. This system will allow you and the school to continue to track your Scrip commitment contribution via your online account with On the left side menu there is an option for “Reports” that will allow you to do this. We will ask for your report at the end of the school year so that we may tally up your total Scrip contribution from all sources.