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- K-2nd Grade
- 3rd-5th Grades
- 6th-8th Junior High
- Music Enrichment
- Physical Education
- Science
- Spanish Enrichment
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Physical Education
The Philosophy of the Physical Education Department is to, instill a lifelong love of movement through various activities and games, give encouragement to try your best, promote good sportsmanship, and to provide a Safe and Healthy experience.
- Classes are 60 minutes/week and are led by a full-time P.E. Specialist
- Kinder receives 90 minutes/week with the Specialist
- All activities/games are taught through progressive advancement of skills needed to succeed in that activity/game
- Large motor skills are practiced daily during recess and lunch free play
- Balance and running techniques are incorporated into the program
- The Presidential Physical Fitness tests are used as part of the program
- Traditional games and activities include, volleyball, basketball , football, kickball, capture the flag/chicken, dodgeball , soccer, flag tag, relays, and handball/four square.
- Nontraditional games and activities include, The Game, ultimate Frisbee, team handball, knockout, bowling, star captain, disc golf, parachute games, ping pong and team builders.
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