Student Expectations:

  1. ATTENDANCE: We understand these are challenging times; however, commitment to daily school attendance even online is important and mandatory. Through consistent attendance, students learn important life skills that carry through into adulthood. Attending online class, daily and on time, is extremely important to your child’s academic success. St. Jude will be offering teacher office hours in the afternoon to provide the ultimate amount of support possible.
    1. Students are expected to be logged into their online classes at 8:30am every morning. Anytime after 8:30 will be considered a Tardy. If a student is more than 30 minutes late, without written permission from a parent, they will be considered as absent (For Middle School students only).
    2. Absences must be reported to your child’s homeroom teacher within two days (48 hours) of the absence.
    3. If a student attends class but then does not log on again at the designated time later in the day, that student will be considered a half-day absence.
  1. MAKE UP WORK: Remote learning has a blend of live instruction and asynchronous teaching everyday. While we understand that every child’s home learning schedule may be different, it is important to be mindful of assignment due dates and work completion. Most grades will have work needing to be turned in online while other assignments may need to be dropped off at school. Our teachers will be generous with due dates but will need to provide hard deadlines for assignment due dates.
    1. Students have the right to make up work missed due to an excused absence — full credit earned will be given. The make-up period shall be no less than the length of the absence plus one day. Teachers have no obligation to allow make-up work for unexcused absences.
  2. FOLLOW ONLINE CLASSROOM RULES: Just like in the physical classroom, your teachers will have their own rules and expectations for what learning looks like. In all classes, please:
    1. Follow classroom rules, procedures, and agenda each day (ex: work on independent work while time is given, work on group work in groups while time is given, etc.)
    2. Use school appropriate, academic/professional language during classes and throughout assignments
    3. There is a zero tolerance policy for rude, inappropriate or disrespectful behavior online toward other students or staff. This includes but is not limited to verbal and/or written comments and actions.
    4. Students will need to display their first and last name on Google Meet
    5. Remain muted unless called upon by teacher
    6. Display their video throughout instructional time unless directed otherwise by teacher
    7. Student must be sitting in a school appropriate location and dressed in school appropriate clothing. Uniforms will not be required for online learning.
    8. Refrain from using a distracting digital background during instructional time
    9. Refrain from engaging in disruptive behavior during instructional time (ex: eating, playing with toys/pet, doing other things in front of their camera, etc.)
    10. Phones should not be visible in student’s video unless otherwise directed for an educational purpose (ex: not scrolling instagram, tik tok, texting, etc. during class)
  3. TEXTBOOKS AND MATERIALS: Students are responsible for proper care of the textbooks, computers, or other materials issued to them by the school or by teachers. A fee will be assessed for damaged or lost books, materials, and computers. This includes damage occurring while the items are at home.
  4. MAINTAIN ACADEMIC INTEGRITY STANDARDS: St. Jude does not allow any forms of dishonesty or deception that unfairly, improperly or illegally enhances a grade on an individual assignment or a course. This includes, while online learning, copying from others on homework, classwork, or tests, communicating with another student during a test or when only individual work is required, storing notes in a programmable calculator or electronic device, taking an exam for another student, etc. More information, refer to the Student Handbook.
    1. It is important to note that parents need to assist in the learning process of each and every child. However, knowing what supports to provide and how much to help can be a fine line. It is important to remember that “No Help Is The Best Help” when students are taking tests, assessments and other individualized grading assignments. We are very cognizant that online learning may present additional struggles for some students and it is important that this is communicated to staff for additional support.
  5. DRESS CODE and LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Students should approach online school with seriousness in order to maintain a positive, productive, and safe educational environment. When participating live, on Google Meets, students need to be visible to their teacher and cameras need to be on at all times unless directed otherwise by the teacher. Wherever you choose to learn should also promote positivity and adhere to school rules. Be mindful of what is in the background when projecting to your teacher and peers.
    1. For primarily older students, nothing worn or seen should have any obscene or vulgar material, sexual in nature, promotes alcohol, drugs or other controlled substances, weapons, or is discriminatory. All items worn should be school appropriate.

Consequences: When students do not follow school rules, appropriate teacher interventions and documentation may take place; however, the following actions, but not limited to, may take place when an infraction of regulations occurs consistently and needs to be reported to administration:

  • Warning from administration
  • Parent-Teacher conferences
  • School suspensions
  • Removal from St. Jude School

Parent Expectations:

  1. ATTENDANCE: As teachers, we need the parents’ support to make sure that students are alert and on time to class each day. Just like when in the classroom, you can help your child be successful by making sure they get to bed at a reasonable time, eat a healthy breakfast, are dressed, and have the materials and access they may need. If there are any conflicts in family schedules, as we are anticipating these conflicts will come up, please remember to email your homeroom teacher before the absence or tardy is going to occur.
  2. HELP MAINTAIN ACADEMIC INTEGRITY STANDARDS: The role of the parent in a child’s education this year is more important than ever. While we want every child to succeed, children need to experience struggles and difficulties to grow in education. We are working to provide as many academic supports as possible to ensure that our students do not fall behind academically. We could use your help in ensuring that your child is away from distractions (i.e. cell phones, TV’s, etc..) while attending school online. Your support will be vital in the success of your son or daughter in the future.
  3. COMMUNICATION TO TEACHERS: Distance learning can be challenging for everyone. Keep a few things in mind when communicating with your child’s teacher:
    1. Together, we are the child’s team. Teachers want all students to be successful and learn, as do you.
    2. Encourage your child to email their teacher first if possible. For grades K-2 this may not be a possibility. However, for older grades, please help your child self-advocate when appropriate.
    3. Avoid blaming, assuming, using all caps, and using offensive or disrespectful language. Instead, come from a place of curiosity; keep in mind there could be something you or the teacher are missing. Keep your email professional and avoid lengthy “venting” sessions.
    4. Our teachers will have more emails than ever before. We are expecting that they will have over 50% additional emails, phone calls and online meetings than in years past. Please be patient for a reply.
  4. GRADES AND ASSIGNMENTS: Students will receive grades or marks in all core academic classes.
    1. K-2nd grades will receive either “E” for Exceeds Standards, “M” for Meets Standards, or “T” for Needs More Time.
    2. 3rd-8th grades will receive letter grades.
    3. In our elective courses, students will receive either an “E” for Exceeds Expectations, “S” for Satisfactory, or “N” for Needs Improvement