St. Jude the Apostle uses curriculum standards to create a continuum of learning for all students. The curriculum is aligned to the LA Archdiocesan as well as California State Standards in all subject areas, using textbooks and other various resources as a means of achieving this. The school has aligned the English Language Arts (ELA) Standards to the Common Core State Standards. The current textbook series as well as supplemental materials, including the integration of technology, are used as  resources to ensure a smooth transition. The school has also completed the integration of the Math Common Core State Standards as well.


St. Jude the Apostle believes all students are unique and valuable. Our Catholic faith teaches us the worth of every child. At SJS we use differentiated instruction and work with the varied learning styles of each student.

Differentiation is an instructional strategy that promotes learning amongst all students. The goal in every classroom is to have all students succeed with measurable growth over each school year. SJS also participates in the Los Angeles Archdiocesan STEP program, Support Team Education Plan.


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