Practical Techniques for Real World Applications
The commitment that St. Jude School made three years ago to provide the best possible technology to its students is alive and well today. In the computer lab, our youngest students learn how to use a mouse and that the keys on the keyboard are not in alphabetical order. While they progress by learning how to open programs, edit and save files our older students learn about the computer’s operating system, composition and layout of documents as well as keyboarding. Junior high students perform advanced mathematical calculations and charting in spread sheets, create publications and beyond run-of-the-mill PowerPoint presentations. The computer lab provides an excellent learning environment with each student on their own computer, two giant screens that display step-by-step instructions of lessons, sound system and wireless printing and Internet.
Coordination between the lab and teachers brings this knowledge into the classroom where these techniques are applied to the student’s daily studies. Lessons are designed and maintained to be stimulating, practical and provide for a smooth transition to the challenges our students will face in high school.
At St. Jude School we continue the commitment…it’s all about the kids.